SMB – Futures Foundation Program v 2.0

About Course:

The very best training program we have to offer as a professional trading desk.

If we’re going to take a trader from struggling to CPT, this is the path.

Not only theory & concepts, but actual application & real practical skills.

Learn a robust trading methodology- one which you can eventually make your own.

Learn to read orderflow, use VWAP, use multiple timeframes, manage risk, manage winners, see market-based R/R, fine tune entries, and develop process for all your decisionmaking.

Comes with access to our private student chat and learning forum for an entire year. ($900 value) This benefit is worth every bit as much as the course itself. Not ony access our general chat, but the private Student Chat. Be in an environment where you speak the same trading language as other students on the same jouney. Enjoy daily key insights and feedback from Sr. Traders. Learn from those with more experience, learn alongside those at your level, even help others under you. It all helps make you stronger.

Over 20 hours of video lessons. We cover it all, and we go deep.

Note: This was last updated on 10/22. (All 3 courses are included)

1. SMB – Intro to Trading and Futures Course

2. SMB – Futures Market Profile Course

3. SMB – Futures Foundation Course

图片[1]-SMB – Futures Foundation Program v 2.0-TheTrendFollowing

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