David Bean – Seven Trading Systems for The S&P Futures

图片[1]-David Bean – Seven Trading Systems for The S&P Futures-趋势跟踪之道

More Information : https://www.capstonetradingsystems.com/challenge-page/seven-trading-systems-members-area

In this course we cover the open code for all Seven trading systems from the book, “Seven Trading Systems for the S&P Futures” (2010) as well as a 2019 update for the Nasdaq and volatility and strategy updates for 2024.

The platforms that are included are:
Ninjatrader 7
Ninjatrader 8

The strategies that are included are:
-Gap Fill I E-mini S&P
-Gap Fill II E-mini S&P
-Gap Fill Combo E-mini S&P
-Gap Fill Rank E-mini S&P
-Gap Continuation E-mini S&P
-Gap Continuation II E-mini S&P
-Gap Continuation IIB E-mini S&P
-2019 Gap Continuation update for the Nasdaq
-2024 Update for all Seven Trading Systems

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