Get all five days of this course, which teaches my proprietary system of:
Market Composition + MMT + Mental Game
This system enabled me to go for 2 YEARS without a single trading loss over nearly one thousand trades!
What You’ll Learn In Forex Trading Course :
How to find out what positions other traders have on so you can literally pick their pockets
How to trade stress free and with complete confidence
How to work out of any bad trade with a worst case, “break even.”
How to trade without arbitrary stops yet still have poweful and effective risk management
How to spot opportunities easily before others even have a clue
How to buy and sell at nearly the exact highs and lows every time
How to turn losing trades into profitable trades
How to use MMT to score massive profits!
Plus…I will teach you how to use the incredible Oanda online trading platform.
I have been using Oanda for 14 years and I can tell you it is without a doubt the best online trading platform out there today. Amazing resources and tools. And incredibly tight spreads.
Daily Treasury Statement
When you delve into the Daily Treasury Statement here are a few things you wll learn:
Did you know that the U.S. government “paid back” $99 TRILLION to investors LAST YEAR? And our leaders are talking about cutting Social Security to seniors because 40 years from now the SS trust fund will supposedly have a shortfall of $4 trillion? This is in the Daily Treasury Statement. It’s from the Treasury’s own records.
Did you know that leading flows (spending) to the economy have been very strong, yet government spending as reported in the officially released GDP report shows it as being down? This is in the Daily Treasury Statement.
Did you know that we spend 50 times more on interest on public debt than on food stamps? This is in the Daily Treasury Statement.
Did you know that last February, the Federal Gov’t sent out $120 billion in tax refunds? And it will do it again this February. And it happens every year? You’ll learn this from the Daily Treasury Statement.
Do you know why there is an expression, “Sell in May and walk away?” when it comes to the stock market?The Daily Treasury Statement will explain this seasonal effect and why it is so predictable. (And by the way, stock market investors and analysts don’t know the real reason why.)
And there is so much more.
I have spent YEARS analyzing and examining and working with this information. I have built a database and spreadsheets that look at day to day, month to month and year to year patterns. I have used these numbers to create really accurate economic forecasts and better yet…models of market behavior for stocks, currencies, commodities, bonds…you name it.
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