John Locke – M3-4u Trading System

The M3.4u options trading strategy is a very dynamic, fairly simple strategy which is designed to be traded on the Russell 2000 index. It is designed to maximize results in neutral to bullish market conditions.
In developing this program I took into consideration all the concerns and challenges traders brought up with the original M3 options trading strategy course and developed a strategy that is easily traded with small amounts of capital, can be back traded and analyzed across multiple platforms with less variability in results, more specificity in the guidelines (less subjectivity), and simpler positions with simpler, easier to execute adjustments.
Here is what is included in the classes:
Class 1 – Trading Strategy Introduction

    What is the M3.4u?
    M3.4u versus M3 back tested performance
    M3.4u trade examples
    Basic strategy description, back testing parameters, and entry guidelines

Class 2 – Trading Strategy Guidelines

    Strategy guidelines and subjectivity
    Up and down adjustment triggers
    Delta limits
    Exit triggers
    Back testing the strategy
    M3.4u trade summaries
    Grey areas for the trade

Class 3 – Properly interpreting back testing and results

    Interpreting back testing and trading results
    How to become skilled enough to rely on trading for an income
    Adapting to the market
    Learning approach
    Growth mindset
    Stages of learning
    Decision making

Class 4 – Combining M3.4u with the M3, V32, and Bearish Butterfly
Please note this class is for subjective, advanced traders only

    Why combine strategies?
    Where does the M3.4u fit in with other strategies?
    Combining M3.4u with V32, M3, and the Bearish Butterfly
    Examples of trade strategy combinations

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