The coronavirus has turned many small and big companies upside down.
The decrease in sales, problems with suppliers, remote teams, all this should be managed wisely. These challenging times require business owners to put planning and, primarily, financial planning in the first place to ensure the survival of their companies. There are several reasons for how financial modelling ing can help business owners to manage uncertainty.
1. It helps to keep the focus on priorities
2. It shows the stability of the company and its margin of safety
3. You can analyse the financing sources
4. You see the company’s dependence from the main customers and suppliers
5. You can create several alternative models
Creating several financial models will help you to anticipate future changes and prepare for them. Well-designed financial models that were developed by the specialists will bring you many benefits: You can share it with your remote team and control the working process.
These models will help you to maintain the business process during these difficult times. You can control the situation, or, at least, see what’s going on. Alternative financial models will prepare you for possible changes, and you will see their impact on your business immediately. If you are a business owner, you need to plan the future under uncertainty.
You also need to bring your staff together in terms of quarantine. Well-designed financial models, budgets, and plans will be a solid ground for the work of remote teams.
They will also help you to respond to the challenges of the modern world fighting with COVID-19.
![图片[1]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[2]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[3]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[4]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[5]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[6]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[7]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[8]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[9]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](
![图片[10]-Scenarios Analysis in Financial Model for Excel Template–Excel模板财务模型中的场景分析-TheTrendFollowing](